Re: Scie chimiche- dibattito- Ma scusate...

Inviato da  NiHiLaNtH il 4/11/2013 23:00:21
la prima ricaduta di filamenti associata a oggetti volanti non identificati è avvenuta in Francia nel 1952

i filamenti sono diventati famosi anche in Sud Africa

Sticky, Spider Web-Like Materials Falling Over South Africa
By Maryna van Wyk
Rapport Newspaper, South Africa, Cape Edition 07-23-2000

"...Karoo farmers in the district of De Aar are really puzzled about this. Some of them believe that the Karoo is becoming the dumping ground for space debris. Some of the cattle in the area have apparently also become ill after they ate some of the cotton-like fibres which are evident on some of the feeding vegetation..."

"..."The Karoo has never looked like this before," say some of the farmers that have farmed in the area for a number of years. .."

"...The farmers and even one of the town inhabitants who has found fibres in his garden believe its origins are from the aeroplanes which cross the area between Cape Town and Johannesburg on a daily basis... "

"..Mr. Petrus van Rooyen (48) is a farm worker for Mr.Du Toit who first noticed these strange sticky fibres and he maintains that he saw bundles of these fibres falling out of an aeroplane crossing above the area..."

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