Re: Ma scusate...

Inviato da  NiHiLaNtH il 8/5/2014 21:35:10
ovviamente vogliono farci credere che si tratta di un fenomeno normalissimo che è sempre esistito ( il ballooning esiste ma almeno ci sono i ragni ) ma la cosa interessannte è che non tentano neanche di spiegare perchè la sua frequenza è aumentata molto negli ultimi anni

ci sono molte persone che si sono accorte del fenomeno solo ora
compresi gli anziani che hanno sempre vissuto in campagna e lavorato la terra
e ogni anno aumentano perchè il fenomeno compare in zone nuove

lasciamo stae un attimo le testimonianze degli americani che hanno visto più volte comparire la strana pioggia di filamenti poche ore dopo il rilascio di numerose scie persistenti

e vediamo che i filamenti sono apparsi in passato anche in altre zone ( episodi con gli ufo esclusi )

ne sono caduti moltissimi in Croazia durante la guerra del 1991

secondo alcuni i filamenti erano connessi al passaggio di aerei dell'aeronautica Serba

"...Cobweb appearance in relation to flights of Serbian Air Forces

Some reports from 1991 suggested a relationship between the flights of Serbian Air Forces and appearance of cobweb-like material. However after 1991, Serbian Air Forces did not fly over Croatian territory. A flight of a white, undefined airplane was reported in the case of cobweb appearance over the town of Koprivnica in autumn 1993. According to the reports from 1991, cobweb-like material usually appeared 15 min to 2 h after the flight of Serbian Air Forces. A direct correlation between the flights and appearance of cobweb was recorded in the following four cases: (1) Jastrebarsko at the end of October 1991, when an eyewitness saw a formless object in the sky, just after the flight of a Serbian aircraft The object descended slowly and spread a cloud composed of cobweb like material; (2) Komletinci on November 3, 1991, when Croatian soldiers saw a parachute-like object in the sky, just after the flight of a Serbian aircraft. The object disintegrated into a cloud of cobweb; (3) Osijek on November 7, 1991, a ball-shaped object appeared in the sky just after the flight of a Serbian aircraft. In a moment, the falling object expanded into a spindle and then disintegrated into a cloud of cobweb (taken on video); (4) Varazdin on November 7, 1991, a Croatian soldier observed cobweb dispersion from the wings of a Serbian aircraft at the moment when the aircraft had finished a missile attack and started rising. In follow-up interviews, eyewitnesses described two other cases of cobweb appearance, each just prior to or after missile attacks. During the autumn 1991, Serbian aircraft flew over the Croatian territory almost every day.

Description of descending and spreading of cobweb material

In most cases, the cobweb-like material is described as a slowly descending cloud, falling to the ground in the form of snowballs, completely or partially unrolled into the constituent fibers. The fresh cobweb material was very sticky and it stuck to all objects on the ground, including trees, houses, cars, people, etc. The cobweb descended at a very slow rate of ²1 m/s. The size of the cloud was never determined. In an estimate made on October 24, 1991 in the town of Kutina, the cobweb cloud was assessed to measure more than 2 km. On November 11, 1991, a cobweb cloud was detected over the entire territory of Slavonia. The density of the cobweb material while in the air was very low. Thus, 200 fibers or snowballs weighed only 80 mg. Upon reaching the ground, the cobweb snowballs or fibers was averaged 2-3 m2. The process of sedimentation from the cloud took about 2-4 h. The cobweb material was found to very quickly lose its sticky feature..."

ok era una situazione di guerra magari si sono confusi o magari era un caso e quelle erano le vere ragnatele del ballooning

però c'è anche questo

Sticky, Spider Web-Like Materials Falling Over South Africa
By Maryna van Wyk
Rapport Newspaper, South Africa, Cape Edition 07-23-2000

"...Karoo farmers in the district of De Aar are really puzzled about this. Some of them believe that the Karoo is becoming the dumping ground for space debris. Some of the cattle in the area have apparently also become ill after they ate some of the cotton-like fibres which are evident on some of the feeding vegetation..."

"..."The Karoo has never looked like this before," say some of the farmers that have farmed in the area for a number of years. .."

"...The farmers and even one of the town inhabitants who has found fibres in his garden believe its origins are from the aeroplanes which cross the area between Cape Town and Johannesburg on a daily basis... "

"..Mr. Petrus van Rooyen (48) is a farm worker for Mr.Du Toit who first noticed these strange sticky fibres and he maintains that he saw bundles of these fibres falling out of an aeroplane crossing above the area..."

tutti matti o rincoglioniti che erroneamente hanno associato un fenomeno naturale avvenuto sempre negli anni con la stessa frequenza con il normale passaggio degli aerei??

allora vi dirò se esistevano le scie persistenti

si le scie persistenti c'erano anche negli anni 60
negli usa sicuro qui da noi non so, non ero ancora nato

Nel cercarlo ho trovato un elenco di brevetti di sostanze e materiali destinati alla modificazione climatica postato a suo tempo da LaoTzu molto ma molto piu' dettagliato di quello che troverai nella mia ricerca ne metto un estratto

uno dei primi brevetti risale al 1956

Process for weather control US 2756097

le tecniche con lo ioduro di argento e il ghiaccio secco esistevano già all'epoca

Comunque per le opzioni di Ahmbar ci aggiungerei che liberare sostanza cariche tipo metalli nell'atmosfera ne modificherebbe le proprietà conduttive facilitando le comunicazioni tra cui quelle militari.... almeno così ho letto in giro...

Credo ti riferisca ai nuovi radar, che offrono una mappatura tridimensionale dettagliatissima dei territori proprio sfruttando gli "echi" generati dai metalli in sospensione. Pero' credo che rientri fra gli ....effetti collaterali, piu' che per le finalita' principali

eh ma una volta che migliori la propagazione dei segnali si possono fare tante cose

in un famoso documento dell'esercito americano sulla guerra psicologica c'è scritto:

"Existing PSYOP identifies purely-sociological factors which suggest appropriate
idioms for messages. Doctrine in this area is highly developed, and the task is basically one
of assembling and maintaining individuals and teams with enough expertise and experience to apply the doctrine effectively. This, however, is only the sociological dimension of target receptiveness measures. There are some purely natural conditions under which minds may become more or less receptive to ideas, and MindWar should take full advantage of such phenomena as atmospheric electromagnetic activity, air ionization, and extremely low frequency waves."

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