Pony - the debunker chaser :-)

Inviato da  pony_huetc il 4/5/2007 0:56:44
Hello Massimo,

Hi @ all

am I endangered to fall debunkers victim?

Let me give you a short review how I hit on henry’s “elaboration”. Due to the fact that Germany is no free-disinformation-zone I’m normally well armed against it and its methods. But their dirty tricks are getting worse.

In response to my reports on a leading german 911-forum about the activities of the american architects, especially Richard Gage and the importance of the new blueprints, one of the hologram nerds replied, those blueprints are nothing as a red herring, either to feed people with some unimportant trash or the blueprints are a launched fake to make the truthers unreliable.

The fact that they came from an “nonpoint source” led to the assumption they might be palmed off by pentagon. And – now the story wend bizarr – as “pony huetchen” always brings out the importance of the blueprints suspicion would be indicated on what she really intends.

I know, the disinfo-agents try to discredit truthers just if they are of an well-informed ilk and constitute conclusive acceptance.

After this nerd didn’t show any willingness to watch the video from the recent symposium with Richard Gage, where he himself declared the importance of the new released architactural plans, I tried to find some written notice as an argument.

And what happened was I strumbled on henry’s Elaborate: The Poison Pill. Oh – what did they know, what we didn’t consider!

All the commentaries had been in Italian, nothing to understand. So I wrote my posts in several boards to find an answer. And Pausania gave me a hint. But pony_huetchen is well known for her cleverness in researche

I spent some time to find more English publications from henry and what I found opened my eyes: a nasty, slippery – probably paid for debunker.

But now the story turned to the funny chapter: I called some friends telling them: “Die spinnen, die Italiener!” "They are crazy, the Italians" The so called best 911-site in Italy - and they denote one of the wickedst debunker an “old and really close friend”.

And @ Pausania

I like irony, but you should recognize, that my researches on Italian sites seemed like poking into fog while trying to understand Chinese commentaries.

Now everything is clear, to go without saying that you are exculpated from having amorous adventures with debunkers. And you also can be assured, that I informed all my friends relieved to say: They are not crazy , the Italians – not at all

Soon I’ll be back in place hoping you could grant a request of mine: Is there someone along with you spaeking a little bit German? We would like to broadcast a phone interview from the congress in Bologna – Rogue World. And we are bent on buiding up an European network. It would be easier for me to explain the hole thing in german.


PS: @ Massimo Mazzucco Thank you very much for your words and information (Sure, I will post it on 911blogger)
Kindly excuse my improperly English.


Messaggio orinale: https://old.luogocomune.net/site/newbb/viewtopic.php?forum=65&topic_id=3406&post_id=88830