Re: Ufficiale: Trovato esplosivo Nelle torri dopo 11/9.

Inviato da  sguardoint il 4/9/2012 14:01:42
Lo conoscete lo "studio Marsiglia?"

é il sito di un docente dell' università delle scienze di Luminy, ricercatore in fisica delle particelle.
E' una sorta di "complottista" che ha condotto analisi indipendenti per confermare (o meglio verificare) lo studio di Jones e Harritt... ma ha avuto delle sorprese:

Mes propres analyses de poussière, m'ont permis de confirmer la grande majorité des observations de S Jones&co mais je n'ai pas réussi à obtenir le résultat le plus important (car vérification indépendante à la portée de n'importe qui et conclusion incontestable si le résultat est positif) : la réaction des chips rouges produisant du fer fondu. Ce résultat pose par ailleurs certaines questions difficiles comme la possibilité pour des nanoparticules d'aluminium de rester réactives 8 ans après le 11/9. J'ai dû donc envisager que la nanothermite soit un écran de fumée occultant une autre technologie secrète à l'origine des tonnes de fer fondu pulvérisé.

Red-red chips having almost all the properties announced by S Jones and co do exist in the WTC dust. Their abundance and the numerous metallic microspheres i could see sticked to their surface is strongly suggesting an obvious link with a high power process hence a destruction technology used to destroy the WTC towers.
It's difficult to imagine a likely scenario for 10 micrometers width nanothermite layers at WTC, explain how Al nanoparticles remained reactives during several years or admit such a heavy operation implying setting up charges of hundreds tons of nanothermite.
==> Two possible deductions:
1) Very likely: Red/red chips have nothing to do with nanothermite, American searchers were decepted and discredited or are themselves disinformating to protect the secrecy of the genuine destruction technology at the origine of red chips and up to thousand tons of
molten iron in the dust.
2) Less likely: Red chips are from nanothermite that were deactivated in all my samples.

Nel suo special sull' 11 settembre comunque c' é una caterva di materiale che potrebbe tornarvi utile, anche se la maggior parte é in francese.

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