Re: Scientology a Ground Zero

Inviato da  Paxtibi il 7/1/2007 3:11:06
Ottima segnalazione Gaia. Ora, visto che hai introdotto l'argomento, vorrei offrire un altro contributo su cui riflettere e discutere, sperando di non incorrere in qualche "scomunica" – in ogni caso ci sto facendo l'abitudine...

Alex Jones Promotes Scientology-Affiliated Leaders

Radio broadcaster Alex Jones promotes Dr. John Breeding on his and websites and sells two of his books. Dr. Breeding is a Scientology-endorsed psychologist who warns about the dangers of Ritalin and other dangerous drugs that are being forced on children today, and offers alternatives. The alternatives spring forth from Scientology and are spiritually dangerous.

Dr. Breeding is definitely affiliated with Scientology, which has enormous influence in the New World Order network. Breeding quotes Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard in his book, The Wildest Colts Make the Best Horses and his website links to the Scientology front group, Citizens' Commission on Human Rights. Indeed, Dr. Breeding calls this powerful force for Scientology "an awesome organization." (Quote source: Stars Shine For Human Rights Freedom Magazine) (1) They in turn sell his books and have given him at least one prestigious award. Scientology's Freedom Magazine website (2) features an article written by Dr. John Breeding.


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