Re: Possibile strumentalizzazione di un palese autoattentato

Inviato da  javaseth il 6/6/2006 13:13:59
Intanto ne hanno sventato uno un Canada. Di autoattentato, chiaro.
Fertilizzante, come quello della "bomba" di Oklahoma City.

da qui

The delivery of three tonnes of ammonium nitrate to a group suspected of plotting terrorist attacks in southern Ontario was part of an undercover police sting operation, the Toronto Star has learned.

Perchè dei terroristi islamici dovrebbero colpire in Canada, si chiede il giornalista?

Risponde il Primo Ministro Canadese:

Speaking in Ottawa at an enrolment ceremony for 225 new Canadian military recruits, Prime Minister Stephen Harper offered his views.

"As at other times in our history, we are a target because of who we are and how we live, our society, our diversity and our values — values such as freedom, democracy and the rule of law — the values that make Canada great, values that Canadians cherish."

Eh già, ci odiano proprio....

Ma vaff...


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