Re: Possibile strumentalizzazione di un palese autoattentato

Inviato da  piero286 il 6/6/2006 15:59:54
e già già , chissa....
per ora riporto un blog censuratissimo in America da

che purtroppo fa riflettere e che ho visto per caso ora su lc esaminando la discussione sui video e sui mass media
Why does whether any planes hit the World Trade Center matter? After all the people are all still dead. Lots of terrible things have happened since 9/11/01. Why should we continue talking about it?

Well, for several reasons. First, the Bush government appears to be ready to attack Iran using nuclear weapons. This might unleash a new world war. In addition, Washington is expected to introduce a military state that rivals the Nazis in cruelty. They are already building concentration camps in the US. They plan to take millions out.

Second, what is significant about the 911 Hoax is how it was conducted. If the Bush government has such total control over the news media that the latter could be made to air fake planes striking the World Trade Center then no media figure can be believed. This means that the progressive, anti-war movement is extremely infiltrated.

Last, the only means with which the Bush regime can be dislodged is if the general public suddenly realizes what a monstrous hoax was perpetuated against all humanity. The indoctrination achieved from the fake image of planes striking the WTC enabled Washington to start two wars as a "response". They've also destroyed the US Constitution on behalf of "protecting" Americans from the fear that they manufactured with phony video. The only way Americans can recover what was lost is if suddenly everyone wasn't so afraid.

Please tell people about the great 911 Hoax. You know in your heart that no planes really struck the World Trade Center. There is hardly any more time left. Another World War is coming and this issue is the only way to stop it.

Scott Loughrey

e dove arriva la censura è perchè c'è qualcosa di vero e/o pericoloso....

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