Re: Un Terzo Aereo al WTC?

Inviato da  Seatnineb il 7/8/2006 18:21:50
Buon lavoro Breakdown (e Ege):

Qui sotto c'e quasi l'unico testimone oculare che a' visto (o almeno ha raccontato) quel "aereo bianco":

“It was a giant billow of fire blowing out the east side of the building,” she said. “I did not see the plane hit the building – it was far enough away that THE WHITE PLANE HAD DISSAPPEARED AGAINST THE SKY – so I thought it was a bomb. But we had CNN on the TV set nearby, and they replayed footage of a plane crashing into the building.

Quindi si vuol dire che l'aereo misterioso era nella vicinanza prima e fino all' esplosione nella seconda torre.

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