Steven Jones stava inventando la Fusione Fredda?

Inviato da  Redazione il 14/12/2006 8:28:43
Stavo bazzicando dalle parti di Pons e Fleischmann, quando mi sono imbattuto in un articolo di Wired che riporta un nome familiare:

The euphoria was brief. Many physicists were highly skeptical that a couple of chemists could have pulled off such a feat. More damning, they were claiming to validate their far-fetched theory via an experiment that wasn't properly documented. In their defense, Pons and Fleischmann explained that they couldn't reveal all the details because the University of Utah's patent had not yet been approved. They admitted that the press conference had been premature, but claimed the University had urged them to go public when another scientist - a physicist named Steve Jones - turned out to be pursuing similar work.

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