Re: Scientology a Ground Zero

Inviato da  _gaia_ il 13/1/2007 16:02:15
Dal link proposto da Paxtibi sottolineo per ora un paio solo di passi (non l'ho ancora finito):

Tavistock Institute developed the mass brain-washing techniques which were first used experimentally on American prisoners of war in Korea.
Its experiments in crowd control methods have been also widely used on the American public.
Also the entire OSS program, as well as the CIA has always worked on guidelines set up by the Tavistock Institute.
Included in the OSS program is also Nazi technology, later officially used for the Atomic Bomb and the NASA.

Questo mi ha invogliato a cercare riferimenti:

Robert Gates received his Master Degree in Russian History, and started to work for the CIA.
Gates is remembered in the CIA as the originator of the idea that communism and especially Eastern Orthodoxy be attacked with infiltration by pro-Western sects.
Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Church of Scientology are two political-intelligence organizations which succeeded in penetrating into the societies of Russia, Rumania and Yugoslavia.

Torvato poco, in realtà, sul fatto particolare. In compenso ho trovato queste pagine ricchissime di link:

Scientology Versus Human Rights

da cui si può risalire a:

Hollywood, Satanism, Scientology and Suicide

Scientology, Cabal of Termites in the Foundation of America

che a sua volta mi ha portato qui:

Inside Scientology's Intelligence Agencies

Poi ho trovato questa pagina ma non capisco a cosa si riferisca...

Scientology: GO/OSA Log Italy 1981-1985

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