Re: Unseen Footage 9/11

Inviato da  Teba il 11/10/2007 1:35:50
Nella rete vedo che parlano di questa John Galt corporation, azienda che non da molte informazioni e che lascia molti punti interrogativi circa la sua storia:
QUI un articolo.

Da un forum:

"Well, Well, Well. The John Gault Corp. . represented in front of the LMDC by Don Adler. The same Don Adler who has been representing Safeway at all of the LMDC Meetings. Get out your Hard Hats and hide your kids. Is it Safeway the same people who dropped the building on the nanny and the baby in the stroler? Is it Safeway, No they are going out of business and becoming The John Galt Corp? YES IT IS. A wolf in sheeps clothing. The may have changed the name but the individuals and the people behind them are the same.
Now ask yourself Who Is John Galt Company? What buildings in NYC Have they demolished? What experience in asbestos removal and environmental remediation do they have? Not much that is for sure. Are they on The NYSDOL Website as a licensed Contractor? NO. Are they on the NYCDEP website as a licensed contractor having filed job's in NYC? NO.? So who are they? SAFEWAY II?
Ask yourself why would LMDC approve this contractor? Why would the community Board stand by and accept this danger to the community? I wonder. More to come. BTW Google The John Galt Company" da un utente del forum:

forse puņ servire.

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