Re: Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Disinformation

Inviato da  shm il 28/1/2008 0:01:57
Ciao Tuttle,
ho linkato la foto da te elaborata su pft, uno mi ha mandato il link su questo sito ancora più chiaro...


and you'll find there were heavy groundworks made at the place where the plane allegedly crashed. It is true, that it is not the black scar in the video, but there is also another hole freshly filled on that USGS map - on the place of the later crater - there are even the tracks of an heavy thing, most probably an digger. Also mind the terrain in 1994 looked in the whole area much differently than at the current google map - so there must be another realy heavy groundworks made since.
lnk a Google maps

EDIT: Corretto il link perché allargava la pagina.
SHM, cerca di porre più attenzione ai link che posti, non è la prima volta che mi costringi ad intervenire ;)

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