Re: Barbareschi intervista Marisa Berenson

Inviato da  and_zen il 22/3/2010 19:30:26

Qui si parla degli oggetti personali ritrovati a Ground Zero: tra essi l'anello di Berry Berenson.

There is jewelry, including 77 necklaces, 119 earrings, 80 bracelets and 144 rings. Of roughly 1,000 pieces of jewelry in the property room, only one has been returned.

It was a ring belonging to Berry Berenson, the widow of actor Anthony Perkins and a passenger on hijacked American Flight 11.

The sterling silver ring with a gold cross was pictured in the New York Post in a story about Fresh Kills.

Two of Berenson's friends, actress Donna Dixon and gallery owner Nuni Boylan, recognized the ring because Berenson had given each of them a matching one. Police then returned it to Berenson's family.

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