Re: E' morto Danny Jowenko...

Inviato da  m4x il 25/8/2011 23:01:57
Jowenko non ha MAI ritrattato.

Telephone interview with Jeff Hill 2/22/07:

Jeff Hill: I was just wondering real quickly, I know you had commented on World Trade Center Building 7 before.

Danny Jowenko: Yes, that’s right.

Jeff Hill: And I’ve come to my conclusions, too, that it couldn’t have came down by fire.

Danny Jowenko: No, it — absolutely not.

Jeff Hill: Are you still sticking by your comments where you say it must have been a controlled demolition?

Danny Jowenko: Absolutely.

Jeff Hill: Yes? So, you as being a controlled demolitions expert, you’ve looked at the building, you’ve looked at the video and you’ve determined with your expertise that –

Danny Jowenko: I looked at the drawings, the construction and it couldn’t be done by fire. So, no, absolutely not.

Jeff Hill: OK, ’cause I was reading on the Internet, people were asking about you and they said, I wonder — I heard something that Danny Jowenko retracted his statement of what he said earlier about World Trade Center 7 now saying that it came down by fire. I said, “There’s no way that’s true.”

Danny Jowenko: No, no, no, absolutely not.

Ultima considerazione: secondo voi se lo avesse fatto, Attivissimo e soci non ve lo avrebbero sbandierato davanti alla faccia ogni secondo della vostra vita ?

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