Re: La teoria di Judy Wood: fantascienza o realtà?

Inviato da  Oscar Jager il 19/9/2014 21:00:54
imho l'ipotesi nano thermite sta in piedi per miracolo, come in quell'altro paper di Jones Behold My Hands: Evidence for Christ's Visit in Ancient America

Sembra che si sia fermato tutto al 2009.
Uno dei pochi articoli che ancora ne parlano e' qui su infowars :

[..] If the towers were brought down by a controlled demolition using explosives it would have looked and sounded like this:

It would have been loud and obvious if all those columns were cut at once. Yet there were no “bangs bangs” or bright flashes as would be expected if the towers were brought down by conventional demolition.
Also thermite gives off an extremely intense bright white light and this would have been visible if hundreds of thermite charges were going off at once. The towers would have lit up like a Christmas tree.

Instead the “collapse” looks like this:

A tower turning to dust mid-air not a tower collapsing due to cut columns. Cutting columns is one thing but the tower turning to dust is another.

Does thermite do this ?

Thermite/thermate does not have the capability to turn steel and concrete into nano-size particles.
This is not a conventional demolition using explosives.

The seismic data disproves conventional demolition.

“The energy budget recorded in the seismic record on the day of 9/11 and the collapse of the WTC buildings did not reflect the mass of building materials involved in the collapse, nor the nearly freefall of the collapsing buildings. The seismic record demonstrates an event on the scale of a quarry blast.
Where was the thud [that would have accompanied a WTC building collapse]?”

If a 500,000 ton pile of steel and concrete falls to the ground top down at near free fall speeds it would leave a significant seismic signature of at least 4 on the Richter scale yet the seismic signature was a mere 2.1 and building 7 was no louder than the background noise, in other words the seismic signature was nil.

The majority of the towers turned to dust in the air before they even hit the ground.
Thermite cannot do this.
If thermite was used to simply cut columns and the towers fell to the ground the seismic signatures would have reflected that.

8. If thermite was used to simply cut the columns the rubble pile should have been 1/3 the height of the towers.
The rubble pile should have around 15 stories high of floors stacked on top of each other if it was a conventional controlled demolition. Instead the debris pile from the 110 story towers was merely 1 story high.

This photo was taken on mid-day on 9/11

Where did 95% of the towers go? 95% of the towers turned to nano-sized dust before hitting the ground.

9. The air sampling data, taken by the University of California at Davis and the Lawrence Berkeley Labs, revealed very small particles in the aerosol plumes from the WTC debris field. These buildings were turned into micro-particles, much smaller than red blood cells.


Dr. Wood exposes in her lawsuit the fact that NIST contracted with a major manufacturer of directed energy weapons for the 9/11 NIST Report

The company in question, Applied Research Associates (ARA), is not only a manufacturer of directed energy weapons, but is also a founding sponsor of Directed Energy Professional Society (DEPS).

Dr. Wood and her attorney revealed that another company NIST contacted with for their Report, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), is also a manufacturer of directed energy weapons.


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