Re: Critica definitiva a chi crede all'esistenza degli alieni (o meglio alla versione complottistica

Inviato da  Fabrizio70 il 25/11/2006 19:19:45
Ho trovato un sito che parla del risultato dell'incidente di roswell in una nuova chiave , è del 2005 ed ancora se ne parla



In November 2005 an anonymous source, claiming to be part of a high level group of people within the US Defense Intelligence Agency DIA, began releasing information allegedly concerning Project Serpo. This released information claims that in July 1947 there were two extraterrestrial disks UFOs that crashed in the state of New Mexico, widely known and referenced as the famous Roswell UFO incident.

The Project Serpo releases further claim that there was one surviving alien entity, known as EBE, which was an abbreviation for Extraterrestrial Biological Entity. Communication was allegedly established with this surviving EBE, and consequently its home world. The EBE lived for 5 years and died in 1952. Communications continued with the home world, allegedly in the Zeta Reticuli star system, which led to the arrangement of an exchange program taking place between 1965 to 1978, in which 12 American astronauts traveled to Serpo, 8 of whom returned. Project Serpo may also have been known as Project Crystal Knight at the time.

ora dò un'occhiata

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