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   Hitler e il nazismo

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Re: Hitler e il nazismo
Sono certo di non sapere
Iscritto il: 3/4/2005
Da Atene
Messaggi: 8134
Freud belonged to the Jewish masonic organization B'nai B'rith
when Freud was working on his theory of psychoanalysis (1880-
1890), he used cocaine daily. Cocaine is a powerful sexual stimulant.Freud introduced
cocaine to the Western world.

Beh... mi spacco dalle risate ad ogni riga...

Ridi pure, ma almeno su Freud non c'è nulla di inventato. Era affiliato del B'nai B'rith (così come Einstein) ed è verissimo che fece uso di cocaina, ne fu anzi un grande sostenitore e la prescriveva a colleghi, familiari e pazienti.

Freud "tried the effect of a twentieth of a gram [50 milligrams] and found it turned the bad mood he was in into cheerfulness, giving him the feeling of having dined well 'so that there is nothing at all one need bother about,' but without robbing him of any energy for exercise or work."

In addition to taking cocaine himself, Freud offered some to his friend and associate, Dr. Ernst von Fleischl-Marxow, who was suffering from an exceedingly painful disease of the nervous system (which was later to prove fatal), and who was addicted to morphine. Freud also prescribed cocaine for a patient with gastric catarrh. The initial results in all three cases were favorable. Freud decided cocaine was "a magical drug," [Che genio!] and he wrote his fiancee, Martha:

"If it goes well I will write an essay on it and I expect it will win its place in therapeutics by the side of morphium and superior to it. I have other hopes and intentions about it. I take very small doses of it regularly against depression and against indigestion, and with the most brilliant success.... In short it is only now that I feel I am a doctor, since I have helped one patient and hope to help more. If things go on in this way we need have no concern about being able to come together and to stay in Vienna."

Freud even sent some of his precious cocaine to Martha, "to make her strong and give her cheeks a red color." Indeed, Dr. Jones writes, "he pressed it on his friends and colleagues, both for themselves and their patients; he gave it to his sisters. In short, looked at from the vantage point of our present knowledge, he was rapidly becoming a public menace."

(The Consumers Union Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs)
Inviato il: 26/10/2006 11:03
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     Re: Hitler e il nazismo fantozzi 26/10/2006 0:08
     Re: Hitler e il nazismo caso8234 26/10/2006 0:45
       Re: Hitler e il nazismo NiHiLaNtH 26/10/2006 1:08
         Re: Hitler e il nazismo caso8234 26/10/2006 1:24
           Re: Hitler e il nazismo Santaruina 26/10/2006 1:54
             Re: Hitler e il nazismo muratore 26/10/2006 3:33
               Re: Hitler e il nazismo muratore 26/10/2006 3:37
                 Re: Hitler e il nazismo hornet 26/10/2006 15:35
                   Re: Hitler e il nazismo muratore 26/10/2006 16:13
                     Re: Hitler e il nazismo hornet 26/10/2006 16:18
                       Re: Hitler e il nazismo felice 26/10/2006 21:39
                         Re: Hitler e il nazismo marcuzzzo 27/10/2006 9:51
                           Re: Hitler e il nazismo Linucs 27/10/2006 13:32
                             Re: Hitler e il nazismo PikeBishop 27/10/2006 13:55
                               Re: Hitler e il nazismo Pausania 27/10/2006 14:31
                                 Re: Hitler e il nazismo Marco M 12/1/2007 22:18
                                   Re: Hitler e il nazismo maxgallo 12/1/2007 22:25
                                     Re: Hitler e il nazismo florizel 13/1/2007 12:55
               Re: Hitler e il nazismo Paxtibi 26/10/2006 11:03
                 Re: Hitler e il nazismo NiHiLaNtH 26/10/2006 13:08
                   Re: Hitler e il nazismo fiammifero 26/10/2006 13:16
                 Re: Hitler e il nazismo muratore 26/10/2006 14:00
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