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   Medicina / Veterinaria
   Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte.

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  •  ivan
Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte.
Sono certo di non sapere
Iscritto il: 22/7/2004
Da Bronx
Messaggi: 11520
L'effetto placebo è uno dei 13 grandi misteri da risolvere.

La rivista Neescientist ne parla qui :


Read more: 13 more things that don't make sense

1 The placebo effect

Don't try this at home. Several times a day, for several days, you induce pain in someone. You control the pain with morphine until the final day of the experiment, when you replace the morphine with saline solution. Guess what? The saline takes the pain away.

This is the placebo effect: somehow, sometimes, a whole lot of nothing can be very powerful. Except it's not quite nothing. When Fabrizio Benedetti of the University of Turin in Italy carried out the above experiment, he added a final twist by adding naloxone, a drug that blocks the effects of morphine, to the saline. The shocking result? The pain-relieving power of saline solution disappeared.

So what is going on? Doctors have known about the placebo effect for decades, and the naloxone result seems to show that the placebo effect is somehow biochemical. But apart from that, we simply don't know.

Benedetti has since shown that a saline placebo can also reduce tremors and muscle stiffness in people with Parkinson's disease. He and his team measured the activity of neurons in the patients' brains as they administered the saline. They found that individual neurons in the subthalamic nucleus (a common target for surgical attempts to relieve Parkinson's symptoms) began to fire less often when the saline was given, and with fewer "bursts" of firing - another feature associated with Parkinson's. The neuron activity decreased at the same time as the symptoms improved: the saline was definitely doing something.

We have a lot to learn about what is happening here, Benedetti says, but one thing is clear: the mind can affect the body's biochemistry. "The relationship between expectation and therapeutic outcome is a wonderful model to understand mind-body interaction," he says. Researchers now need to identify when and where placebo works. There may be diseases in which it has no effect. There may be a common mechanism in different illnesses. As yet, we just don't know.

E c'è di piu'; dalla stessa rivista:


4 Belfast homeopathy results

MADELEINE Ennis, a pharmacologist at Queen's University, Belfast, was the scourge of homeopathy. She railed against its claims that a chemical remedy could be diluted to the point where a sample was unlikely to contain a single molecule of anything but water, and yet still have a healing effect. Until, that is, she set out to prove once and for all that homeopathy was bunkum.

In her most recent paper, Ennis describes how her team looked at the effects of ultra-dilute solutions of histamine on human white blood cells involved in inflammation. These "basophils" release histamine when the cells are under attack. Once released, the histamine stops them releasing any more. The study, replicated in four different labs, found that homeopathic solutions - so dilute that they probably didn't contain a single histamine molecule - worked just like histamine. Ennis might not be happy with the homeopaths' claims, but she admits that an effect cannot be ruled out.

So how could it happen? Homeopaths prepare their remedies by dissolving things like charcoal, deadly nightshade or spider venom in ethanol, and then diluting this "mother tincture" in water again and again. No matter what the level of dilution, homeopaths claim, the original remedy leaves some kind of imprint on the water molecules. Thus, however dilute the solution becomes, it is still imbued with the properties of the remedy.

You can understand why Ennis remains sceptical. And it remains true that no homeopathic remedy has ever been shown to work in a large randomised placebo-controlled clinical trial. But the Belfast study (Inflammation Research, vol 53, p 181) suggests that something is going on. "We are," Ennis says in her paper, "unable to explain our findings and are reporting them to encourage others to investigate this phenomenon." If the results turn out to be real, she says, the implications are profound: we may have to rewrite physics and chemistry.
The undeserving maintain power by promoting hysteria F. Herbert

You don't need to take drugs to hallucinate: improper language can fill your world with phantoms and spooks of many kinds R. A. Wilson

La verità raramente è pura e non è mai semplice
Inviato il: 1/9/2010 21:48
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     Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. soulsaver 1/9/2010 15:31
     Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. nessuno 1/9/2010 16:04
       Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. temponauta 1/9/2010 21:48
       Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. ivan 1/9/2010 21:48
         Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. ahmbar 2/9/2010 21:23
           Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. Pispax 4/9/2010 2:18
     Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. ahmbar 5/9/2010 1:32
       Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. Argonzillo 5/9/2010 15:30
         Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. Manfred 5/9/2010 15:36
           Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. Al2012 5/9/2010 17:07
             Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. Manfred 5/9/2010 17:42
         Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. ahmbar 6/9/2010 2:26
           Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. NiHiLaNtH 6/9/2010 11:40
             Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. Manfred 6/9/2010 15:13
               Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. Ghilgamesh 10/9/2010 9:47
                 Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. ahmbar 10/9/2010 12:03
                   Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. Ghilgamesh 10/9/2010 12:55
                     Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. _gaia_ 10/9/2010 14:23
                       Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. ahmbar 10/9/2010 23:49
                         Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. Ghilgamesh 14/9/2010 13:16
                           Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. ahmbar 26/9/2012 17:00
                             Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. alroc 26/9/2012 20:07
                               Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. dr_julius 26/9/2012 21:32
                                 Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. ahmbar 26/9/2012 22:35
                                   Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. toussaint 28/9/2012 14:51
                                     Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. toussaint 28/9/2012 14:56
                                       Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. alroc 28/9/2012 15:18
       Re: Effetto placebo? Molto, molto di piu’: una nuova era alle porte. Pispax 13/9/2010 14:47
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